Fleeceflower Rehmanniae Hair & Sex Pills

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Both of these herbs enter the Kidney meridian, and are sweet and slightly warm in nature. They are able to tonify the Kidney-Essence and nourish the Blood. They treat weakness and stiffness in the back and knees, blurred vision, poor memory, menstrual disorders, infertility, menopausal syndrome and sexual disorders caused by Kidney-Essence and Blood deficiency.

Rehmanniae is the strongest and quickest herb in tonifying Blood. And since Rehmanniae is cloying, Fleeceflower strengthens the Spleen and Stomach making them an excellent combination.

The Relationship between the Liver and the Kidneys

Liver-Blood nourishes and replenishes Kidney-Essence and Essences in turn contributes in the making of Blood as Essence produces Bone Marrow, which makes Blood. The Kidneys also contribute to the making of Blood through the action of the Original Energy. The original Energy facilities the transformation of Food Energy into Blood in the Heart.