This tea stabilizes the Kidneys and secures the Essences: for leakage of fluids due to a weak essence with such symptoms as urinary frequency, incontinence, spermatorrhea and excessive sweating.
Tonics are used in treating patterns of deficiency of the Energy, Blood, Yin and Yang. White Peony is a herbs that tonify the Blood. Among the primary manifestations of blood deficiency are pallid face and lips, dizziness, vertigo, diminished vision, lethargy, palpitations, dry skin, and menstrual irregularities. Moreover, the sinews and bones depend on the blood for nourishment, those with blood deficiency are often weak and thin. In TCM, there are three organs that will be deficiency in their functions, Heart, which directs the blood and governs the blood vessels, the Spleen, which controls the blood, and especially the Liver, which stores the blood. The Liver governs the sinews, which cramp and spasm if unsupported by the Liver Blood. White Peony tonifies the Liver Blood and thereby relieves pain due to acutely cramped sinews, or other pain associated with Liver Blood deficiency, such as in the flanks and abdomen. The Liver stores the blood, and reduced blood storage can affect other major organs, like the Heart('Sea of Blood,') which refers to the Womb and its associated vessels. If the Heart lacks the support of the Liver Blood, palpitations. and insomnia may result; if the Sea of Blood lacks that support, then the menstrual cycle will be irregular and causing infertility or dysmenorrhea, making White Peony the proper treatment for these imbalances.
Corni Fructus is a herb that stabilizes and bind, preventing bodily fluids from discharging abnormally. In addition, it tonifies and augments the Liver and Kidneys: for Liver and Kidneys deficiency with such symptoms as lightheadedness, dizziness, soreness and weakness of the lower back and knees, or impotence. Moreover, Corni Fructus, stabilizes the menses and stops bleeding: for deficiency patterns of excessive uterine bleeding and prolonged menstruation.