6 Cherry Rehmanniae Pills

6 Cherry Rehmanniae Pills

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Enriches and nourishes Kidney and Liver Yin.


  • Weakness and soreness in the lower back and knees
  • Lightheadedness, dizziness, or vertigo, tinnitus or hearing loss, 
  • Night sweats,
  • Chronic sore and/or dry throat
  • Hot palms and soles,
  • Painful or difficult scanty urination



Rehmanniae (Radix rehmanniae),  Chinese Yam (Radix), Water Plantain (Rhizome), Peony Tree root (Cortex), 


How to Use

Take 8 pills, 3 times a day.


Use caution for those with Spleen Deficiency type diarrhea and indigestion with a white greasy tongue coat.
- Use caution in cases where diseases are predominantly caused by Dampness.
- Contraindicated for those with Yang Deficiency.
- Consult your herbalist or physician before use if you are taking other medications or receiving other medical treatments.


Individual results may vary. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The statements on this website and all affiliates have not been evaluated by the FDA. Advice on treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a trained health care practitioner.