1. Are Chinese herbs effective?

Chinese herbs are natural medicines that Chinese people have relied on for their health for thousands of years. Traditional Chinese medicine has been proven effective and widely used in recent years. In many ways, they complement modern medicine and may address health concerns in areas where other treatments fall short.

2. Why are Chinese herbs taken as a formula instead of as a single herb?

Chinese herbs are rarely used individually in clinics. They are used exclusively in herbal formulas where multiple herbs are combined. These combinations are designed to boost an herb’s effectiveness, address several maladies at once, or to counter potential side effects.

3. How long do I need to take the herbs?

The duration varies based on the concern. Just like with prescription drugs, some Chinese herbs can do the job after a few doses, while others are taken for months or longer. For quickly onset concerns like a cold, Chinese medicines can work very fast and take effect within hours. For concerns that are chronic or larger in scope like cholesterol, glucose, weight management, or hair growth, it usually takes months to see results.

4. Do Chinese herbs have side effects?

Like their Western medicine counterparts, Chinese herbs may sometimes have undesired side effects. Following the Chinese medicine’s directions carefully, and consulting with a TCM practitioner can help prevent unwanted side effects.

5. Can Chinese herbs act fast?

Yes. Herbal formulas can act very fast.

6. Do you guarantee the products you sell are going to work for me?

We cannot guarantee the products will work for you. Because of the nature of health products neither we nor any responsible party can guarantee such products are going to fit individual conditions and work for you, whether the products are prescribed by a licensed TCM practitioner or selected by yourself based on your own study.

7. The herbal formulas I received have a distinctive odor and color. Is this normal?

Yes, it is normal. Herbs often have a distinctive natural odor, pleasant-smelling in most cases.

8. Is it safe to take several Chinese medicines at once?

Because each formula is a combination of several herbs, combining several formulas makes it very difficult to guess how the herb interactions will affect the body. We recommend taking no more than two different Chinese medicines at the same time.

9. Do you know if this product I am buying interacts with a prescription drug I'm taking? Can I take them together?

In general, Chinese medicine is not tested for interaction with prescription drugs on the market. Considering the variety of prescription drugs, such tests are not feasible. We do not have any report of interactions as well. If this is a concern, you may consider taking them at different times or consult with health care professionals.