Cinnamon Twig

Cinnamon Twig

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Cinnamon Twig

Properties and Functions: It is pungent and sweet in flavour and warm in nature. It is a diaphoretic and induces sweating to release exterior syndromes and activate Yang Qi / Energy and Wei Qi/ Defensive Energy. It promotes Qi/ Energy circulation by warming the channels and dispersing Cold. It also acts to tonify Heart Yang.


Induce sweating and release exterior, warm and unblock the meridians, warm and reinforce the yang qi.


A. Wind-cold exterior syndrome

The ability of this herb to induce sweating and release exterior. Moreover, it can activate the yang qi, smooth and promote the movement of blood. It is indicated for exterior wind-cold whether for exterior excess without sweating, exterior deficiency with sweating or yang deficiency with cold.

B. Syndrome of congealing cold with blood stasis, wind-cold arthralgia and other types interior cold syndrome

The action of this herb is to warm the meridians and dispel cold. It can smooth and promote the movement of blood to invigorate blood. For this reason it is indicated for syndrome of congealing cold with blood stasis, wind-cold arthralgia and other types of interior cold syndromes. It is indicated for cold in the meridians, cold congealing blood stasis, with irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, mass, postpartum abdominal pain and other cold invasions after an injury, pain and swelling and other types of stagation with cold. It can be used with any of the blood activating and stasis resolving herbs. It is indicated for wind-cold arthralgia. This herb is used with herbs that dispel wind-damp and herbs that alleviate pain. Because its nature is ascending and floating, it is good for moving upward and is suitable for the arthralgia of the upper limbs, shoulders and upper back. This herb is effective for headache from cold in the meridians, abdominal pain and deep rooted carbuncle of yin type.

C. Yang deficiency syndromes

Because this herb can warm and assist the yang of the heart, kidney (bladder) and spleen, it can be used for all kinds of yang deficiency syndromes. It is indicated for depression of the heart yang, blockage of the heart vessels, with symptoms of chest stagnation pain or heart palpitations and irregular heartbeat. This herb can warm and activate the heart yang to invigorate blood and restore the pulse. It is usually combined with herbs that ventilate, open, and disperse accumulation, activate blood and resolve stasis, and tonify the heart qi. 

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 3~10g. 

1. Boil two handfuls in a small teapot for 20 minutes then drink a cup with each meal.

2.For external application, it is applied at an appropriate amount.


This herb induces heat, damages the yin and moves blood. It is prohibited for those with warm pathogens, yin deficiency with effulgent fire, or reckless movement of the blood due to heat in the blood. Use with caution in pregnant women.